Every Action Equals an Opposite Reaction in Life Training by Gary Eby
A remarkable quote etched unto our memories is by Edmund Burk. He said ... "the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.''
Gen. George S. Patton said ..."Don't fall a victim to what I call the 'ready-aim-aim-aim-aim syndrome.' You must be willing to fire. He was talking about action! That's what separates winners from whiners. Take action and be responsible for the implications of those actions. It should be your personal mission, a life course on to the path of success. It is better to have tried doing it than cowardly avoided it altogether.
There was a little 5 year old boy who wanted a watch. I mean he really wanted a watch! He asked his dad for a watch,
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So finally ... on his 6th birthday ... his dad got him a watch. It was just a toy. A little Mickey Mouse play watch made of plastic. That night, before they went to bed, they got out a book about clocks and watches. It had pictures and stories about big Ben. It talked about time zones. It went on and on about alarm clocks. It even taught you how to tell time. When they finished, the young boy's head was spinning! He asked his dad what time they needed to get up for church. His dad said 7:30.
He laid there and thinking about it for a while. He reached beneath the pillow and grasped his watch. He was so confused! He put Mickey's little hand on the seven and his big hand on the six just like he had learned. One way or another in all of his confusion he thought Mickey would now wake him at 7:30! He soon fell off to sleep dreaming of watches and clocks. Several hours later he woke up with an anxious look ... and grabbed his watch. He was so sleepy, but, he saw the watch said 7:30 ... so he ran down the hall jumped into bed with his dad ... shook him real hard and screamed ... "Dad, Dad, get up it's time for church!"
So the dad jumped up ran to the bathroom, wet his face and began to shave, and then, he looked out the window. It was pitch black outside. He went and looked at his clock. It was 4:00 in the morning. He looked at the clock and then at the boy ... and then at the clock... and then at the boy. He motioned ... come here son. The boy explained,
you can't let yourself do this, so sincerely, that Mickey said it was 7:30.
The dad was so perplexed he was unsure whether to laugh or cry! He sat the boy on his lap ... opened the watch ... and showed him there was nothing inside to make it work ... it was just a face. It was just a toy,
UGG 5803. That settled everything; they hugged and went back to bed.
The next day, after church they were riding home. The little boy asked ... "Dad ... did you tell that preacher about my watch?" His dad was confused and said "No ... why would I?' He said ... "You must have, Dad ... he talked about it all morning." His dad replied ..."What are you talking about?" "Dad ... the verse he read was exactly what you told me last night. That "face without works is dead!" Sincerely we know the verse was about "Faith without works is dead" but it's the same thing. Something inside has got to make it work. And ... something inside of you has got to make you work. Action starts inside of you but it only counts if you actually get up and do something with it! Get up and get in on the action!
When it is time for action, the winners get up, get involved and act on it.
In life there comes a time when you have to leave your comfort zone and take a risk. The pregame has to end and the real game is about to start. Talking a good game only works for a while. Sooner or later you've got to strap it on and hit the field. The biggest failure of all is to do nothing!
All talk without walking the walk is hypocrisy and false pretensions. Your actions always speak much louder than your words.
I've heard people say, "My get up and go has got up and gone!" I say to that, just get up, and go after it! Take one small step in the right direction, and then another, and then another! It's been said that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step! It's all about starting,
it says everything we need to know., once you get started it's quite impossible to stop.
I own a video production company and I love to watch infomercials on TV,
5803 Ugg Bailey Button Chestnut Boots. Most of them are real good, and some of them are SOOOO bad. The good ones always create a sense of urgency. They say things like," you'd better hurry, this offer ends soon." or "If you call within the next ten minutes." They are prompting you to take action and immediately.
When I am producing a video for a company, it usually depends on the goal of the project. I utilize what is called "a call to action" at the end. I ask the client what is it that you want people to do after watching this? Sometimes I get a puzzled look. Why show them a video if you don't want some sort of a response? What action do you want them to take? Do you want them to go to a web site? Do you want them to call an 800 number for more information? Do you want them to take the video next door and show a neighbor? What ACTION are urging them to undertake? You have to issue a "clarion call." You have to tell people what you want them to do. It is a call to action!
The purpose of this article is to issue a call to action. Grab the bugle and sound Charge!
It's time to fish or cut bait. Are you a player or pretender?
It takes intestinal fortitude to take action when you are starting something new. But never, be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs can build a raft. Professionals built the Titanic.
Whatever you choose, there is always going to be someone standing around to tell you that you are wrong. Undeniably "they" always know what's best, for everyone but themselves! And when you do face a challenge, which you will, you'll be tempted to believe that your critics were right. But never be discouraged in doing your research and confirm everything in yourself and don't give in. Rise up to the challenge and face it head on.
It takes illimitable courage plan a course of action stick to it to the end. Powerful leaders take unperturbed determination to follow through,
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